Nine years ago,

29-year-old Tess Lerner went missing, from Topanga, CA and her family hasn't seen or heard from her since…except rumor that she changed her name to SATYA (which means Truth in Sanskrit). Her car was found abandoned in Capitola, CA (near Santa Cruz), with all her worldly belongings intact (cell phone, checkbook, keys, and clothes), everything except her favorite possession...her blue ukulele.

Detectives and psychics have been on the case, to no avail.

This webpage is dedicated to helping us find her.

At the very least, to inspire all dreamers to incubate a dream with the question: “Where’s Satya...?”

If you have any information about where she might be, please call: 310-980-7022

Listen to LIVE episodes of the new podcast series entitled The Girl with the Blue Ukulele"on the Ask Doctor Dream show.

Will you spend some time before you go to sleep asking your dreams to possibly deliver a clue to you as to where this young woman could be?

Read the article on Medium

Read the article on Medium


Read some of her poetry: CLICK HERE


Listen to "The Girl with the Blue Ukulele" Audio on the Ask Doctor Dream podcast.