4 ways your dreams can upgrade your consciousness ✨

Are you ready to unlock new levels of consciousness and embark on a transformative journey?

Mark your calendars! I’m thrilled to invite you to the Consciousness Upgrade Summit, happening virtually April 17th & 18th. 

This unique event is designed for individuals like you who are eager to explore the depths of their being and elevate their understanding of consciousness for greater health, wealth, relationships, and happiness.

I am joined by some of the top experts in this conversation like Dr. Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggert, Harville Hendrix & Helen LaKelly Hunt, Mariel Hemingway, JJ Flizanes, Dr. William Davis, Dr. Nasha Winters, Dain Heer, Dr. Sharon Stills, and more.

We'll be covering:

  • Neuroplasticity in Relationships and Communication

  • Biology and Consciousness

  • Using an Ancestral Clearing Technique to Upgrade our Consciousness

  • How to Rewire Your Core Wound Patterns to Expand Consciousness

  • The Connection between Metabolism and Brain Function

  • How Consciousness Plays a Role in Radical Remission

  • The Role of the Microbiome in consciousness and why you want to become Undoctored

  • And, of course, 4 Ways Your Dreams Can Upgrade your Consciousness

  • and more!

The event is free - click here to register! 

If you know you can’t make all the sessions and want to upgrade to the All Exclusive Pass to keep the recordings forever, use the code KELLY to get $200 OFF and get them all for only $97.

I hope to see you there!

Check the schedule for the most updated time slots for all the presentations.

Together, let's embark on this journey of enlightenment, DREAMS and personal growth.


Feeling the crash ⚡️🫨 after an ecstatic dream?


Discover 4 levels of multidimensional reality ✨