Discover 4 levels of multidimensional reality ✨

Are you experiencing spiritual stagnation?

If so, you’re not alone! 

Most of the world’s spiritual practices draw solely on resources from our physical reality, our three-dimensional level of existence.

It’s only when you become conscious of and learn to interact with our four levels of reality that you experience profound change within your body, mind, and soul, says my friend, celebrated energy healer Cyndi Dale.

Register for a special event with The Shift Network on Saturday, March 30, for a special event as Cyndi shares how to tap into four levels of reality for a multidimensional approach to spiritual and physical health that includes the ming men doorway, a meridian-based energetic point, using lambda and epsilon brainwaves. 

RSVP here: Explore Advanced Energy Healing Techniques: An Overview of an Empowering Year-Long Certification

In this free online event, you’ll:

• Gain entry into your God Spot, a heart-based space in which your spirit and Spirit dwell alongside a "cell" of the Divine guaranteeing that energetic shifts made include your physiological body, as well as your psychological & spiritual selves

  • Activate scalar waves through the God Spot, streams of grace that can deliver precisely what you need at all levels of your reality; these beautiful electromagnetic waves are focused on your highest outcome, remaining attached as long as needed

  • Allow the activation of your lambda brainwaves (the highest and fastest brainwave that exists) to alter your infra-low brainwave to shift the trauma stored in the infra-low energies once that deep, cortical level of pain and disease transforms into epsilon brainwaves, you can become permanently receptive to energetic changes that align with your highest nature

  • Locate and assess the ming men doorway, known throughout meridian-based medicine systems as the portal between the two kidneys, programmed during preconception with ancestral Qi

  • Replace your trauma-infused ancestral programmings during Cyndi’s guided meditation, you’ll connect with the perfect set of personalized and loving codes carried only by the Divine Mother and Father Creator meant just for you; from this point on, you’ll be able to operate from the God Spot with your true ancestors, or parents, dedicated to your destiny

  • You’ll also hear details about Cyndi’s upcoming year-long energy healing certification program. You’ll explore her comprehensive energy healing practice that blends modern, ancient, practical, and esoteric approaches — so you can heal yourself as well as others.

This consciousness-altering certification program will take place within a loving, supporting environment, enabling you to harmoniously integrate everything you learn into your daily life.

Register for free here:

P.S. When you attend the hour-long event, Explore Advanced Energy Healing Techniques: An Overview of a Year-Long Certification with celebrated energy healer Cyndi Dale… you’ll learn how, when you become conscious of and learn to interact on the four levels of reality, you not only can experience energetic healing, you can perform energy healing for others.

I hope you’ll join Cyndi as scheduled on Saturday, March 30. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording soon after the event concludes.


4 ways your dreams can upgrade your consciousness ✨


Join me & Joan Gelfand @ Book Soup 📕🥣in West Hollywood!